
44 rue du Commerce 74700 Sallanches
17 rue Pascal Tavernier 42000 Saint-Etienne
140 chemin du Moulin 73400 Ugine

C o n s t r u c t i o n s i n t é g r a l e s

Full housing

The trust of our customers, has allowed us over the years, to achieve the complete renovation of their homes. This has resulted in a new range of turnkey work.

Décorateur d'intérieur
Délais moyens
~ 45 jours
interior layout
Outdoor arrangement
Attic improvements
Outdoor arrangement
Cabinet creation
Traditional lime plaster
Creating light openings

Lorem ipsum

A single interlocutor from the beginning to the end the services.

RENAISSANCE advices you as soon as plans are drawn up for the complete renovation of your property, then carries out all the work with a specific requirement.

Do you want to enjoy 100% of your habitat ? Trust us.